Sunday, August 24, 2008, 8:51 AM
firework fetival 2008! its soo awesom! serious! it is better than last year. uhh! actually i'm in a good mood, but becouse of my hp ahh, i felt soo boringg. u know, i can't leave w/o my hp camera, its all bcos off the light ah! too make me happy, i just take anyhow w/o looking at the screen. hahahaha, i also don't no wat i take. will check later ah. will upload the vedio later, will ask from my couzin.
Friday, August 22, 2008, 3:46 PM
CB! oii, goldfish name aku okey! jgn nk pandai2 kasie name too pat mataer kao skg! kalao nk kasie mataer kao name ikan, kasie lah name ikan2 laen! yg kao nk goldfish sgt too apasal!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 6:22 PM
whohoo! went to toy museum after sch. hahaha, saw alot off my new BF. :D hahaha, most off us nvr listen to the instructor. hee:D instructor talk, all off us take picture. hahaha:)
this is my new bf pic:
handsome ryte? :D LOVE hym the most among the rest.
this is the 2nd bf:DD this is my 3rd bf:DD
Friday, August 15, 2008, 6:23 PM
wohoo~ tomorow, 16.08.08. & 17.08.08.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 5:10 PM
 & yes'day, went jb with family. okey lahh, lazy to type.  btw aayn, i'm so so soryy! i receive ur mcg late. i thought you nvr mcg me, means we nvr go together. sorry okey, promise next tyme:] ~ily ._. ~wohoo, 4 more days to go!
4:40 PM
4:13 PM
okey, lets cite tyme national day. went to esplanade, with couzin. couzin lmbat seyy, kete jek kul 3 lebeh. tunggu sampai 4+. perot pon sampai lapar, hahaha:D OKEYY lahh, we all soo smgt s'pore. we wear red& white.~wohoo dnt really amek banyak pic ah. dah brape kali sey nengok. saw, sarah&dhana, just say hello only. hahaha okey, i not close to them already ahh. then saw baiti&ayu. :] b4 going home, bought double chocolate. ~slllurpp~ huhu, aku jiwe ceramel tap now i think aku jiwe "DOUBLE CHOCOLATE"!
Saturday, August 9, 2008, 9:39 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008, 4:10 PM
08.08.08cool keper! just woke up, ny sume "halim" nye pasal uhh. kacao jek. call-call. todae, was my first tyme celebrate national dae at gess! wohoo~!! ohh, ohhk lahh"gerek jugak" after sch, went jp with qamarul. meeting my sis& her friends there.  
Thursday, August 7, 2008, 4:10 PM
just came back from swimming. ohh i'm soo tired liao! swimming start at 12.30, &saw qamarul at the gess center. so finish swimming i think ard 1+ too 2. went to change after the swimming. finish changing i went out too take my belongings. hahaha, but i 4get to change "sometink" that i take all my beg& shoe bag then went to the toilet. left shoe alone there. hahaha, i think most off them went back ready.& my shoe still there. hahaha, so quickly put inside my shoe bag. mr ganesh saw, then he say "ah! thisyour shoe. just left ur shoe lyke tat. u think cinderella ahh. left the shoe behind" hahaha, yahh, he say some sort lyke tat ahh! so went back school again, & saw mr ganesh. he say" cinderella.....(watwatwat) i cant hear cuz soo noisy! hahaha, okey i'm soo tired(:
3:59 PM
happy 16th birthdae chika.
happy birthday too you, happy birthdae to you, happy birthdae too chika...! happy birthday too you. hahaha ._.
happy 16th bdae dearies. iiloveyousoomuchh, cuzzy! wohoo~ dah 16, dah tue ah! bile mao celebrate sey? hope too see you on sat! & do enjoy ur day todae!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 6:27 PM
todae, got malay dance. goshh! kak leha keep telling us too bend. uhh! & actually my leg pain, but have too ignore the pain. it started at 2++ i think soo, and ended at 4++. =) hahaha. & todae the sec three gerl siow ah! they play rogol2. hahaha. kept laughing. cannot caryy ahh! hahahaha.
uhh! my knee so pain & i dnt no whether my muscle or the bone tat make it pain. alamak soo old redyy! hahaha:)