
Nur Syahirah
• Call me eira will do
• Grow 1 year older every SIXFEBUARY

♥chika kaka ♥superprincess ♥eira ♥baby boi ♥maisarah ♥idayu ♥wanie ♥nuraini ♥heneesah ♥keenah ♥huda ♥farhanah♥amira
dina adian hadirah nadia heather chelsia donavan matty cassandra candia jia wei yi ling si hui


Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:18 PM

bowling today was funfunfun!
i want play again. who want follow?

soo, yarhh, today got our report book. :D
but my class position is 14/41. :(
minus the 4 can?
and my level position is 25/82.

i was qualified for course A which is the A MATHS OR POA.
most of my classmate wanted me to take course A instead of course B which is the art,D&T AND F&N. they were lyke saying, if i were qualified for course A,i will take course A.
but i scared if i cannot cope.
SOO BETTER TAKE COURSE B. and im going take art! :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 7:29 PM

ohhman!ilovethissong :D

soo yarh today went school with saravind.
gonna go with him again tmrw. i think so. haha.
see how lah :D

YES'DAY AND TODAY got the social study thinggy.
wahh, damm boring lah sia!
yes'day i slept awhile onnie.
today, i slept from start untill breaktime.
our recess is at 9.20. means, i slept from 8 to 9.
after the break, still have that social study thingy, TALK WITH PEOPLE SITTING BESIDE, BEHIND ME.
hahaaha. bagus kan?

Friday, October 23, 2009, 7:43 PM

campcampcamp! 3days 2night camp! :D

we play the team building game,low rope element. the low wall was the best one lah.
we have to climb the wall, 2 of our friends stand at the top, and help too pull us. funfun!
first day, there isnt funfun activities for my group.
for dinner, we have outdoor cooking.
then at night ard 10 plus, all sec 2 have night hike at bukit timah. wahh scarry sey.
although it was scary, but i swear it was fun.
the instructor only wait at some point . we have to walk as a group.
junior was behind me, and he was damm funny.
the instructor and some teachers will appear sunddently.
and junior was lyke, eh cher please dnt appear lyke that. let us no lah. then he also lyke scold smarco as he was the one who lead us.
junior: smarco, tell us larhh theres someone walking!
wahh, he talked about the ground, cos the ground lyke got stone, then some place lyke smooth. then lyke got hill. going up, going down. he talk alot larhh!
there was another group behind us, they were our classmate too, but different group. and junior called them zombie! haah
after the night hike, went back to canteen for supper at ard i think 11 plus.
the most i hate was the shower time. 2doms(sp?) share one toilet.
where got tyme, then somemore there is timing for shower! irritatating sia.
eg, they will say shower time is from 11.45- 12.45.
a few min before 12.45 the instructor will check the toilet,they will told us to be quick and etc.
by 12.45 there must not be anyone bathing.
then light out is at 1+. the instructor will check our doms, to make sure that we asleep ready. if not they will shoutshoutshout!
at night it was soo cold! *yeahh* no need aircon sia.

there was alot of fun activities.*wohhoo*
bukit timah hike!
we ate some leave. there's one leave that taste exactly lyke sausage. haha
we tried the elephant grass. these grass can grow up too 2m high! :D
here are the activities for the 2nd day- challenge rope course, zip line, abselling, and rock wall.
our group did not play the abselling. we play the zip line(flying fox)
funnnnn! i lyke the flying fox the most. I FEEL LYKE COMMITING SUICIDE. HAHAHA.
i shout damm loud. the instructor that in charge of the challenge rope course told me.
he called my name and he say, syahirah, u shout bley dgr sampai sane sey.
i was lyke, bedek sey. but then he say betol. haha.
i think my heart stop beating for awhile sey. haha.
did not play the challenge rope course , cos not enough time.
rock wall too!
then dinner, then campfire.
after that, supper.
then shower tyme,
then lights out.

-area clenning
clean the doms. some boys washed the toilet. ^.^
-final debrief.
-went back too school.
-watched video.
-prize presentation.
-home sweet home.

Thursday, October 15, 2009, 3:33 PM

today is the deeparaya celebration.
we have to reach school by 6am. sight!
since i did not dance, i help to make up onnie :D
the celebration is only for the first three period. :)

soo yarhh, i think many people know ready that i break with qamarul ready. haha
one of my friend, asked me just now.
russel: "eh u break with qamarul ready ah?"
syahirah: how you know?
russel: that tyme i saw u and qamarul at the canteen. then you two walk pass each other. but u two dnt talk.
(i also dunno when i collide with him) hahaha
but he said recently, soo should be that day that he came to school. hee :)
i think many people no ready.

next wk, mon and tue no need come school.
mon, holiday. tue, promotion day.
then wed-fri, ace camp!
i'm not looking foward for the camp sey!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 5:16 PM

i pass all my subject! alhamdulillah :D
but not sure for eng. i hope i pass !

Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 9:29 PM

im not performing for deparaya!
alhamdullilah :D

i told abg i dnt want to perform becouse i dnt want to use hair spray! haha
but i feel lyke dancing too lah, but nehh. takpe lah. better not ah.
haha, malu-malu :D

i saw you!

Monday, October 12, 2009, 8:15 PM

yes'day, open house.
mm, nothing much to write. haha.

gambargambar ini sume sungguh kecoh. lagylagy, makcikku yg memakai baju warne orange.
yeye, nk tunjuk gelang die, sampai ramai lahh jugak jeritjerit kate muke dorang tak npk, cousinku sampai nk nangis. haha, tsk.
kite berjoget, menyanyi, menjerit!
kite cousin joget and nyanyi lagu nobody! hahaha
here are some picture of them,

semangat sungguh drg joget. haha :]

Friday, October 9, 2009, 2:23 PM

say goodbye to this couple!
no more eirastonner and no more qamarulkeling.
goodbye eirastonner.
goodbye qamarulkeling.
goodbye love.
goodbye memories.
goodbye 9mths 9days.
everything is 9. 9mths, 9oct and 2009.
why should i love someone who said that he did not know whether he love me or not. :(
(only god know how i feel ryte nw) ":) or :("
so, today went for malay dance. and non of then knew about it.
this thing happend at ard 11 plus.
did not talk too many people today.
after malay dance went back home , did not go anywher.
but, went to meet wan.
talk to him, for almost 2 hr plus.
wan told me that- maybe he have another girl thats why he dnt love me.
he also said that this is his first tyme seeing me crying.
yarhh of course i still love qamarul.
but dah ditakdirkan, bergini.
serahkan jek lah pade allah.
kalao ditakdirkan bersame, insyallah, kite akan bersame.
kalao tidak. sampai di sini saja cinta kami.

Thursday, October 8, 2009, 10:56 PM

this year raye outing gerek!
best giler.
all of us lyke where the same colour. we didn't plan sey.

syafiq and dian wear white(haha, all of us keep disturbing them. want too no why, since last year sey they wear the same. haha. last year blue, this year white.) haha, dah di takdirkan bersame. haha.
me,amirul,afiq, fadil and zac wear black.
hamdani and diviya wear lyke hot pink lyke that ah.
halim(imam for the day) wear blue.

1) went to halim house.
ate mee hoon.
i was late. we plan to meet at his house at 11am. his house is at telok belanga there. but i reached tiong ard 10.50+ lyke tat. one by one scold me :(
asked me too hurry up.
2) went to amirul house.
ate mee goreng campor me hoon,(tak salah ah)
we took alot of picture at amirul house. serious, soo manymany! most of the pic amek mcm pengantin sey. serious. dian wearing white seat beside amirul wearing black,beside him, me wearing black then syafiq beside me wearing white. lyke white-black-black-white. there alot too say but nehhmine, will take the picture from hamdani and syafiq asap.
3) went to zac house.
ate nasi lemak. very kenyang sey! tak abes! kayy wtv!
4) went to dian house.
5) went to my house.
6) went to cikgu johari house.
cekgu order pizza! wohhoo! he did not recognize me and dian and some other boys, but he can remember halim and amirul because muke tak tawwu malu dtg dua kalie. haha.
he ask who am i, then he say u enyf . the boys laught. wthwth. stupid sey, call me enyf. then i say no, then he say, mm, syahirah.(fuhh, he still remember me)*happy*
enyf is soo veryy different then me sey.
then cekgu explain why he he thought me enyf. it is because, enyf was the one who always email and sms him about the raya thinggy. aperhh sey! :(
7) went to hamdani house.
went me and dian leave, the boys said, bye enyf,bye enyf! assholes uh!!!stupid!!stupidd!!
name punye sedap syahirah, panggel enyf.

okey, goodnye blogger.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 6:05 PM

exam is over.
hurrayhurrayhuray, hurrayhurrayhurray bergembira, bergembira..
tomorrow going jalan raye with sec friends. :D
me and dian plan to bring qamarul and nigel. but end up, my batch say if me and dian bring them, then they will not follow us. wat too do, must cancel lorhh.
soo for those who have not finish your exams.